SGC Smartuner with balanced
dipole antenna
The SGC-230 'Smartuner' is an automatically tuned/L-network. 1.6 MHz - 30 MHz SGC-230 is nominally rated for 200 W PEP and is therefore ideal for use with typical 100 W HF transceivers
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Antenna tuner Experimental QRP hams
The primary winding of the transformer consists of 30 turns 0,9mm enameled wire
Antenna tuner QRP for antenne levy
It covers from 10 to 28 MHz but for emission powers not exceeding 10 W because the CVs used are BCL recovery
Antenna Long Wire con antenna coupler asimmetrico
Il sistema di antenna multibanda 1,6 mhz.-30 mhz
Antenne et coupleur
It consists of two coaxial coils of bare copper wire with plugs P1 and P2
Antenni tunery
The simplest connection to the tuner is the L connection. In addition to its simplicity, this circuit has unprecedented minimum losses
The primary winding of the transformer consists of 30 turns 0,9mm enameled wire
It covers from 10 to 28 MHz but for emission powers not exceeding 10 W because the CVs used are BCL recovery
Il sistema di antenna multibanda 1,6 mhz.-30 mhz
It consists of two coaxial coils of bare copper wire with plugs P1 and P2
The simplest connection to the tuner is the L connection. In addition to its simplicity, this circuit has unprecedented minimum losses
About Rtty mode
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