Un adattatore di antenna portatile
Costruire un semplice adattatore di antenna che permette di usare filari di lunghezza casuale in tutte le bande, e anche in 80 e 160
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Legacy Balanced Antenna Tuner
The balanced tuner described in this article has two front-panel adjustments, a turns counter that turns two roller inductors that is connected together with two pulleys and a timing belt and a high voltage capacitor
L Network Tuner
The L-Network tuner is a simple impedance matching network that consists of one variable inductor and one variable capacitor
Motorized L-Network Antenna Tuning
I needed a remote antenna coupler that would match the antenna on any frequency from 1.8 to 29.7 MHz including oddball military frequencies
Remote control L match Aerial Tuning Unit
To date the unit has performed well and has shown no signs of distress when driven with 400w pep of RF
Remote ATU
For the variable capacity, I choose an arithmetic progression of capacity with 8 relays, starting from xx pF up to yy pF for the highest capacity. The four smallest capacitors are made of short sections of RG-174/U coaxial cable
The balanced tuner described in this article has two front-panel adjustments, a turns counter that turns two roller inductors that is connected together with two pulleys and a timing belt and a high voltage capacitor
The L-Network tuner is a simple impedance matching network that consists of one variable inductor and one variable capacitor
I needed a remote antenna coupler that would match the antenna on any frequency from 1.8 to 29.7 MHz including oddball military frequencies
To date the unit has performed well and has shown no signs of distress when driven with 400w pep of RF
For the variable capacity, I choose an arithmetic progression of capacity with 8 relays, starting from xx pF up to yy pF for the highest capacity. The four smallest capacitors are made of short sections of RG-174/U coaxial cable
About Rtty mode
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