
Getting started in RTTY

A tutorial on how to get started operating rtty using mmtty as the primary program to begin your rtty operations
post 04 Jun 2024
Getting started in RTTY

About Rtty mode Links


Airlink Express Box Airlink Express
Airlink express is a user friendly digital mode software package for the amateur radio operator.The software is compatible with microsoft windows xp, microsoft windows vista, and microsoft windows 7, 8 and 10. It offers psk, mfsk and rtty digital modes

A website dedicated to rtty
A website dedicated to rtty, and information on teletypes from history to rtty

Rtty modem based on the Arduino Uno
Rtty modem based on the Arduino Uno

Getting started in RTTY
A tutorial on how to get started operating rtty using mmtty as the primary program to begin your rtty operations

Interfaccia rtty fsk/afsk
An alternative to getting started is with rttycontesting which is generally a much slower paced contest when compared to the other modes

23cm Yagi Antenna building

23cm Yagi Antenna building Finished antenna at 1275 MHz SWR under 1:1.5 at resonant frequency

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135 Preamps for 144 and 430 MHz, for 50 MHz, the BFG135a is a cheap transistor and in my view rather strong. It is not easily damaged by static discharge or RF power. FG connection

30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack

30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack A bonus was that i discovered that these did not need a standby load connected to the supply to keep them running just apply mains power and close the Start lead to ground