4 element 14 mhz yagi or 7 MHz, SM7EQL |
20 - 40 Meter Short Trap Dipole Antenna |
2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40, IZ3KIF |
40 meter Phased Array, K5UA |
40 meters 3 element wire yagi, VE3VN |
40 Meter Bowtie Antenna |
40 meter shortened dipole project, M0MCX |
40 meter linear loading rotable, K6QE |
40m 2el Yagi linear load,TA7OM |
40m center loaded vertical antenna 5 metres long, VK1NAM |
80/40 Meter Attic Antena |
A Limited space HF antenna review |
Battle creek special 40/80mhz |
Compact only 9m dipole for 40m band, ON7EQ |
Dipole short " V " rotable for 7 mhz, S53V |
Dipolo rotativo a caricamento lineare per i 40m |
Helically wound two element 40 mt yagi, W1CER |
Homebrew buddipole Portable Antenna system, K6LMP |
Indoor antenna for 7 Mhz, F6CYV |
Linear loaded dipole for 7 Mhz, K4VX |
Linear Loaded 40m Dipole, IW7DMH |
Musings on the miracle whip design running 5 Watts QRP, G4FON |
Noise reduction on 40m, DF9CY |
New Groundmounted 80m 4 square, DM9EE |
Project phased vertical array 40mt, KM6I |
Rotary dipole with linear load for the 40 meter band, LU7YS |
Simple antenna for 40 meters |
Shortened antennas with compensating coils |
Short Antenna per le HF |
The Linear-Loaded Crappie 40mt rotatable dipole, VA7ST |
The square pole antenna |
The Half Square Antenna |
Un Dipolo economico e facile per 40/80 metri, IK8XSY |
Verticale QRO bande basse, IZ2ZPH |
Yagi per 40 metri 2 elementi radiatore/direttore, IQ3RK |
ZZ wave net is a 40 & 80 meter full wave |