Antenna 40m 7 MHz Click ↓
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4 element 14 mhz yagi or 7 MHz, SM7EQL
20 - 40 Meter Short Trap Dipole Antenna
2 elementi Yagi per la banda 40, IZ3KIF
40 meter Phased Array, K5UA
40 meters 3 element wire yagi, VE3VN
40 Meter Bowtie Antenna
40 meter shortened dipole project, M0MCX
40 meter linear loading rotable, K6QE
40m 2el Yagi linear load,TA7OM
40m center loaded vertical antenna 5 metres long, VK1NAM
80/40 Meter Attic Antena
A Limited space HF antenna review
Battle creek special 40/80mhz
Compact only 9m dipole for 40m band, ON7EQ
Dipole short " V " rotable for 7 mhz, S53V
Dipolo rotativo a caricamento lineare per i 40m
Helically wound two element 40 mt yagi, W1CER
Homebrew buddipole Portable Antenna system, K6LMP
Indoor antenna for 7 Mhz, F6CYV
Linear loaded dipole for 7 Mhz, K4VX
Linear Loaded 40m Dipole, IW7DMH
Musings on the miracle whip design running 5 Watts QRP, G4FON
Noise reduction on 40m, DF9CY
New Groundmounted 80m 4 square, DM9EE
Project phased vertical array 40mt, KM6I
Rotary dipole with linear load for the 40 meter band, LU7YS
Simple antenna for 40 meters
Shortened antennas with compensating coils
Short Antenna per le HF
The Linear-Loaded Crappie 40mt rotatable dipole, VA7ST
The square pole antenna
The Half Square Antenna
Un Dipolo economico e facile per 40/80 metri, IK8XSY
Verticale QRO bande basse, IZ2ZPH
Yagi per 40 metri 2 elementi radiatore/direttore, IQ3RK
ZZ wave net is a 40 & 80 meter full wave

Modif. March 30 2024

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