
Delta Loop Antenna Dimensions

Delta arms, they are all short-circuited to each other, the impedance at the supply point is 120 ohm, for this reason to feed it, a range matching adapter is used, ideal for bands of 10, 15 and 20 meters
post 08 Apr 2024
Delta Loop Antenna Dimensions

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Delta Loop antenna 3.5 - 30 MHz
84 m Total Wire Length (L1 + L2 + L3) - 28 m Triangle Length (L1 = L2 = L3) - 10.56 m 75ohm coaxial length

Delta Loop Lazy loop from 160 to 10 meters
The loop is 3.650 Mhz. For matching the loop on the other bands I use a Toroid Balun with

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