
Delta loop various configurations

The wave emitted by the vertical loopmay be polarized vertical or horizontaldepending on the feedpoint location vertical polarization is preferred when the antenna is low
post 24 Mar 2024
Delta loop various configurations

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Build a Multi-Band Mono Delta Loop
Make up a 14 MHz. delta loop using two separate lengths of 10 meter plus 10 centimeters each of No. 12 or No. 14 stranded copper wire and connect them in series with an insulator as shown at the bottom of Fig 1. The 10 cm extra wire is passed through the end hole of the insulator then looped back to the wire element to form a splice for later soldering

Antenna Delta loop bidirettiva
Questa e' una antenna adatta per HF realizzabile senza troppe difficolta', l'unico inconveniente e' che necessita possedere di un discreto spazio dove installarla e di almeno quattro supporti a cui agganciare i loop

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Duplexer 2m-70cm

Duplexer 2m-70cm- Usare un'antenna bibanda 2/70 con due radio separate V/UHF, usare due antenne separate V/UHF con una singola radio bibanda