Sleeve Baluns

- Sleeve baluns are normally used at VHF and higher. As a general rule, they are not practical at HF
post 31 Dec 2024
Toroid & balun Links →
1:4 Balun, ON6MU
Balun for folded dipoles
4:1 balun for 160 to 10 meters
Here we calculate the half wave length of the matching section of the 4:1 coax balun
4:1 coax balun design CALCULATOR
Here we calculate the half wave length of the matching section of the 4:1 coax balun
50 ohm single-band baluns
The balun herein described is suitable for 50-ohm monoband antennas which can often represent a valid choice
JI -Test, measure balun, and compare antenna baluns or balums
Many articles and technical sources on baluns or balun design ignore voltage, focusing only on current. Focusing only on current is a serious oversight that can result in defective system design
Balun for folded dipoles
Here we calculate the half wave length of the matching section of the 4:1 coax balun
Here we calculate the half wave length of the matching section of the 4:1 coax balun
The balun herein described is suitable for 50-ohm monoband antennas which can often represent a valid choice
Many articles and technical sources on baluns or balun design ignore voltage, focusing only on current. Focusing only on current is a serious oversight that can result in defective system design

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