Antenna Direttiva 6 mt 50 MHz

L’alimentazione avviene direttamente con coax 50 ohm fissato con 2 capicorda alle viti prossimali di fissaggio del dipolo al supporto isolante
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 6 meter Links →
The matching circuit is the same as above with the following components, C 1 = 20 - 110 pF, variabel Mica capacitor,C 2 = 2 - 15 pF, variabel foil capacitor
The 50MHz-Yagis are designed with an impedance of 12.5 Ohm or 28 Ohm and some types with 50 Ohm impedance
6 & 2 Meter Square Copper Dipoles
A 2m square dipole, made from copper plumbing fittings and 1/2 inch copper water pipe
6 Meter 5/8 Wave Vertical Antenna
The vertical is loaded from the bottom with a coil wound on a previous block
The matching circuit is the same as above with the following components, C 1 = 20 - 110 pF, variabel Mica capacitor,C 2 = 2 - 15 pF, variabel foil capacitor
The 50MHz-Yagis are designed with an impedance of 12.5 Ohm or 28 Ohm and some types with 50 Ohm impedance
A 2m square dipole, made from copper plumbing fittings and 1/2 inch copper water pipe
The vertical is loaded from the bottom with a coil wound on a previous block