
4 element for 10 meter

4 element for 10 meter
    Una grande copertura di banda con basso ROS
post 28 Dec 2024

Antenna 10m 28 Mhz Links


10-Meter Vertical
The length of the vertical wire to 17 ft 4 in and I had a SWR of 1.1 to 1 at 28.200 MHz.I had good SWR of 1.4 from 28.000 to 29.000 MHz

3 Element 28 MHz Yagi
By adjusting the length of the Gamma match and the series capacitor, the VSWR can be adjusted to 1.1:1 at 28.4 MHz

3 element yagi for 28Mhz
Design Frequency: 28.300 MHz, Usable Bandwidth: 600 kHz, Gain: > 7.5 dBi, Front/Back ratio: > 20 dB

3 y 4 Elementos 10 Mts
The macth range has a total length of 70 cm, from the connection point on the coaxial plug, to the end of the range rod

4 Element a V for 10 Mts
Una grande copertura di banda con basso ROS


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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