Verticale Elicoidale per gli 80 metri
Suporto canna di fibra, spiderbeam 12m, 60 radiali lunghi 20 m, realizzati in filo da 0,75 mmq
post 26 Apr 2023
Antenna Vertical Links →
The 5 band pipe vertical That's 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters, KL7JR
A simple, cheap and easy to build 33 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 10 meters including Warc bands
The portable random wire vertical
This simple 40 thru 10 meter wire vertical should enable you to get on all the new HF bands
Utilisation d'un pylone autoportant en antenne verticale
It may be interesting to use a high pylon supporting other antennas as a vertical antenna
Una antena hibrida de 3,5 - 7 Mhz que ocupa poco espacio
The occupied surface is limited to that of the roof of the house, 9 x 12 m, and this leads to a very economical realization of vertical antenna for two bands
A simple, cheap and easy to build 33 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 10 meters including Warc bands
This simple 40 thru 10 meter wire vertical should enable you to get on all the new HF bands
It may be interesting to use a high pylon supporting other antennas as a vertical antenna
The occupied surface is limited to that of the roof of the house, 9 x 12 m, and this leads to a very economical realization of vertical antenna for two bands
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