ft1000mp to sound blaster card interface
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Semplice dipolo rotativo per i 12m e 17m
Un dipolo per i 17mt rotativo con un Balun 1:1
Dipolo accorciato per 40 80m
La sintonizzazione dovrebbe iniziare sulla sezione 40m con una distanza di 10,5 m
The FD4 (FD3) windom antenna
The 4-band Fritzel model FD4 is a special version of a Windom antenna. It is a half-wave long on the lowest frequency
T2FD squashed rhombic
Denominata anche T2FD Terminated Two Wire Folded Dipole Antenna, si tratta essenzialmente di un dipolo ripiegato
The HF Antenna
The end fed wire antenna lends itself readily to QRP and portable operation.The Tuning capacitor in the AMU can be a 365 - 500pF
Un dipolo per i 17mt rotativo con un Balun 1:1
La sintonizzazione dovrebbe iniziare sulla sezione 40m con una distanza di 10,5 m
The 4-band Fritzel model FD4 is a special version of a Windom antenna. It is a half-wave long on the lowest frequency
Denominata anche T2FD Terminated Two Wire Folded Dipole Antenna, si tratta essenzialmente di un dipolo ripiegato
The end fed wire antenna lends itself readily to QRP and portable operation.The Tuning capacitor in the AMU can be a 365 - 500pF
About Rtty mode
Audio Recording
Antennas Satellite
Amateur Television ATV
Aprs software
Band Plan Ham Radio
Capitals Europe
DX cluster software
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Italia-call-ham radio Italy provices Ham Radio Clubs Italy
EME Ham Radio Satellite
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Log Converter Software
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Meteor scatter
Mac Ham Radio Software
Practice with the soldering
Propagation Solar Cycle
Power Supply
PMR 466Mhz
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PSK31 software
Prefix World
Propagation prediction
Qrp low power
QSL Printing
QRSS Amateur VLF operating
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Sstv Photo
SWL Shortwave DX Radio
Telegraph Morse code
VHF Activit