Standing Wave Ratio SWR for your Antenna Subsystem
Measuring SWR Standing Wave Ratio on your antennas with a Daiwa CN-801
post 30 Aug 2023
Swr Meter Links →
Homemade UHF SWR meter
Qui sotto si puo' vedere il mio rosmetro per UHF. Ho usato tutti componenti riciclati da una stampante rotta
Half-Wave Dipoles - Feedline VSWR
This program analyses both simple and folded dipoles. Folded dipoles allow a higher impedance and hence lower loss feed line to be used
How to Use an SWR / VSWR Meter
Standing wave ratio meters come in a variety of forms, but essentially they are all used to measure the SWR, standing wave ratio on a transmitter feeder
Meter and Low Power Tune for FT-857D
It's a simple, cheap and flexible way to get a tuner output for manual tuner adjustment
Qui sotto si puo' vedere il mio rosmetro per UHF. Ho usato tutti componenti riciclati da una stampante rotta
This program analyses both simple and folded dipoles. Folded dipoles allow a higher impedance and hence lower loss feed line to be used
Standing wave ratio meters come in a variety of forms, but essentially they are all used to measure the SWR, standing wave ratio on a transmitter feeder
It's a simple, cheap and flexible way to get a tuner output for manual tuner adjustment
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