A balun is placed at the input of a symmetrical ATU to make the input signal symmetrical or at the output of an asymmetrical ATU a balun couples the signal symmetrically to the open line.
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Build hf antenna tuner
This page details several T-match tuners. By comparing them, you should be able to construct a tuner to your own particular requirements
Realization of a coupling box by Patrice
The torus has 6 wires: 2 side CV, 2 side self and 2 to the outputs of the box, for the RX - TX.- For the six outputs of the torus, put "souplisso" recovered on the transformer of a micro insulation 2000 volts
Box agreement antenna with coil with caster and 4 CV isolated
From the left to the right we see the balun on the ferrite bar, the 4-cage CV and the roller coaster.
Box Antenna tuner monobande 28/30 MHz
Like the 10 MHz mono-band box, this box operates in autotransfo. The permissible power is greater than 200 watts
This page details several T-match tuners. By comparing them, you should be able to construct a tuner to your own particular requirements
The torus has 6 wires: 2 side CV, 2 side self and 2 to the outputs of the box, for the RX - TX.- For the six outputs of the torus, put "souplisso" recovered on the transformer of a micro insulation 2000 volts
From the left to the right we see the balun on the ferrite bar, the 4-cage CV and the roller coaster.
Like the 10 MHz mono-band box, this box operates in autotransfo. The permissible power is greater than 200 watts
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