Zmatch qrp covers 10 thru 80 meters
Zmatch BLT will tune a 44' doublet on 30 meters just fine
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Transmatch automat
Working: 3.0 to 30 MHz. Input power: Over 2500 W PEP
Transmatchs varios acopladores de antenas
As a reference for these projects, variable capacitors of around 410pf, common in valve receivers, are in most cases perfectly usable for low or medium powers
Tuner W1FB scheme Compiled
Variable capacitors have a capacity of 200 pF, for a power of 2 kW at the peak, the gap between the plates should be about 2 mm. L1 - coil with slider, maximum inductance 25 mH. L2 - 3 turns of 3.3 mm bare wire on a 25mm mandrel
Tuners antenne 7 MHz with only one CV
A 1: 1 ratio balancer made with a T200 toroid makes it possible to connect the transceiver with a coaxial cable to the symmetrical circuit formed by the chokes and the CV. As the isolation of the CV is weak
Tuner for HF
Working: 3.0 to 30 MHz. Input power: Over 2500 W PEP
As a reference for these projects, variable capacitors of around 410pf, common in valve receivers, are in most cases perfectly usable for low or medium powers
Variable capacitors have a capacity of 200 pF, for a power of 2 kW at the peak, the gap between the plates should be about 2 mm. L1 - coil with slider, maximum inductance 25 mH. L2 - 3 turns of 3.3 mm bare wire on a 25mm mandrel
A 1: 1 ratio balancer made with a T200 toroid makes it possible to connect the transceiver with a coaxial cable to the symmetrical circuit formed by the chokes and the CV. As the isolation of the CV is weak
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