
3 Element Direct Feed 17 Meter Yagi

The Driven Element is isolated from the boom, the Reflector and Director are direct connection with boom
post 04 Jun 2024
3 Element Direct Feed 17 Meter Yagi

Antennas for 17 meters Links


17 Mtr 2 Element Yagi
Here's a simple and cheap 2 element yagi built for the 17mtr amateur band, the antenna elements supports are fibaglass fishing poles

Dual quad antenna
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3 Element Direct Feed 17 Meter Yagi
The Driven Element is isolated from the boom, the Reflector and Director are direct connection with boom

17 meter delta loop antenna
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3 Element Direct Feed 17 Meter Yagi
The Driven Element is isolated from the boom, the Reflector and Director are direct connection with boom

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