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Corner reflector in microonde
Corner reflector in microonde
L'antenna Corner Reflector e costituita da un riflettore a V e da un dipolo
post 14 Apr 2024
Antennas slot Links →
Antenna Alford 1.2 Ghz ATV
l'Alford entra la risuonare sulla frequenza stabilita 1.240 Mgz, l'antenna e' stata misurata con strumenti adatti per la radio frequenza
Antennas a fentes
Slot antenna and complementary dipole, it is shown that on condition of inverting the E and H fields the slit has the same radiation pattern as the elementary dipole
Slot Antenna
The length of a slot determines the resonant frequency, the width of the slit determines the broad bandwidth of the slot radiator
Corner reflector in microonde
L'antenna Corner Reflector e costituita da un riflettore a V e da un dipolo
l'Alford entra la risuonare sulla frequenza stabilita 1.240 Mgz, l'antenna e' stata misurata con strumenti adatti per la radio frequenza
Slot antenna and complementary dipole, it is shown that on condition of inverting the E and H fields the slit has the same radiation pattern as the elementary dipole
The length of a slot determines the resonant frequency, the width of the slit determines the broad bandwidth of the slot radiator
L'antenna Corner Reflector e costituita da un riflettore a V e da un dipolo
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62