
ICOM IC-706 Modifications

ICOM IC-706 Modifications
    Is a handy compilation of most of the mods and stuff I have developed or found on the web for the 706MkIIG
post 30 Dec 2024

Radio Transceivers IC706 Links


Icom IC-706 and SGC-230
the scg smartuner family is build to operate stand-alone. you only need to provide 12 vdc power to the coupler and when it sees rf input it starts matching your antenna to the feed line

Icom IC-706 extended rx
this modification doesn't affect 2m rx in anyway, because 2m has its' own, thight front-end, that is used instead of the modified filter, when in 2m band. hf and 6m aren't affected either

Icom IC-706 Modifications
is a handy compilation of most of the mods and stuff I have developed or found on the web for the 706MkIIG


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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