Yaesu ft-1000mp settings and troubleshooting
Ham radio repair troubleshooting yaesu ft-1000mp v field with no tx power
post 15 Feb 2024
Transceivers FT1000mp Links →
the im problem is created because the ft1000 heavily forward-biases the noise-blanker's first fet whenever the blanker is turned off
FT-1000D Synchro Mod
this simple no-holes mod adds a lot of functionality, yet requires little more than a dpdt 5v relay
FT-1000MP interface
ft1000mp to sound blaster card interface
FT-1000MP Automatic Band Selection Interface
I faced the problem of interfacing the new rig into my mostly automated station
this simple no-holes mod adds a lot of functionality, yet requires little more than a dpdt 5v relay
ft1000mp to sound blaster card interface
I faced the problem of interfacing the new rig into my mostly automated station