Switchted inductor L match tuner
Sixth inductor of 16 uH and another switch could be added for a total of 31.5 uH which would allow operation on 160 meters too if needed
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Palstar AT1500CV
Palstar AT1500CV. I had this tuner in use for more than three years and I liked it very much. The tuner is equipped with asymmetrical and symmetrical connections.
I like inverted L's because I get both vertical and horizontal radiation
Remote control L match aerial Tuning Unit
One of the geared motors turns the roller coaster inductor, the other a variable capacitor.Both motors run at approximately 60 RPM
Symmetrisch antenne systeem
A balun is placed at the input of a symmetrical ATU to make the input signal symmetrical or at the output of an asymmetrical ATU a balun couples the signal symmetrically to the open line
Sicuramente l'accordatore costruito in proprio, dopo le antenne,e' l'apparato piu' presente in Internet dopo le antenne autocostruite
Palstar AT1500CV. I had this tuner in use for more than three years and I liked it very much. The tuner is equipped with asymmetrical and symmetrical connections.
I like inverted L's because I get both vertical and horizontal radiation
One of the geared motors turns the roller coaster inductor, the other a variable capacitor.Both motors run at approximately 60 RPM
A balun is placed at the input of a symmetrical ATU to make the input signal symmetrical or at the output of an asymmetrical ATU a balun couples the signal symmetrically to the open line
Sicuramente l'accordatore costruito in proprio, dopo le antenne,e' l'apparato piu' presente in Internet dopo le antenne autocostruite
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