Antenna Matching Coil Adjustment Procedure, K0BG |
A trapped dipole for 80m and 40m using bootstrap coax traps |
Construction de Trappes |
Inductor resonance experiments |
Low-loss wire traps, ON7EQ |
Low Cost Antenna Traps |
La Trampa Balun, LU6ETJ |
Multiband vertical, OZ1CX |
Multiband trap dipole antenna |
RF Inductance Calculator, ON4AA |
Repairing Unadilla W2VS 40m Antenna Traps, K4LRG |
Simple Building and Tuning of Traps, DK7ZB |
Some hints/tips on how to assemble nice COAX TRAPS |
Set-Up di misura per trappole, IW2FND |
Trapped five band EFHW SOTA antenna, VK3IL |
The Making of a Dipole Trap Antenna, KF7GT |
Trappole per antenna HF |
Trap Dipole, K5DKZ |
Trap for 7 mhz W3DZZ Antenne, PA0FRI |
Trap on coaxial cable Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK |
Trap Dipole 7, 10, 14, 18, 50 MHz, DJ9RB |
Trapped dipole antennas, VK3ZPF |
Trappola per dipolo 40/80m, I6DVX |
The W3DZZ antenna for 40 and 80 meter band, OZ6YM |
Trap dipole antenna, ZL1BJQ |
Traps-about antenna traps |
Traps antenna 40/20 meter, PA3HMP |
Trappole per dipoli |
Tuning HF Coaxial Antenna Traps, VK4ADC |
Quick Trapped 15/20m Dipole, VK3YY |
Variable Inductor Design, N4ZOU |
Verticale 10 MHz home brew, IZ8CKY |
Wire trap for 12m WARC band, ON7EQ |
Inverted-V Antenna for 3.5, 7, 14, 21 & 28 MHz, VK4ADC |